Yuzu Learning Program X 0 X F C Readeryuzucom Books 9780133464887 Cfi 6 48 4 2 8 6 2 2 4 0 Q43888096
Using Alice 2.4 please do exercise 1
Yuzu: Learning to Program with X – 0 x f = C reader.yuzu.com/#/books/9780133464887/cfi/6/48!/4/2/8/6/2/2/4@0:0 ☆ @ RR . Lamaryle of Contents Exercises and Projects (Q Search TOC 9-1 Exercises 88 Chapter 4 Classes, Objects, Methods and Parameters Chapter 5 Interaction: Events and Event Handling 1. The Wave This exercise is to practice using For all in order. Create an animation that simulates some sports fans doing “the wave”-a popular stadium activity. Create an initial scene where a coach, student1, skaterGirl, and randomGuy2 (People) are standing on the field in the stadium (City). All four of these people have the same subpart structure. Then create a list made up of the people objects in the scene. Use the For all in order statement to animate each person raising his or her arms to simulate the wave.” 170 Part III Using Functions and Control Statements 172 Chapter 6 Functions and If/Else 213 Chapter 7 Repetition: Definite and Conditional Loops 239 Chapter 8 Repetition: Recursion 264 Part IV Advanced Topics 266 Chapter 9 Lists and List Processing Chapter 10 Variables and Revisiting Inheritance 0 Type here to search e 9 op ^ 12:21 AM 117/20203 Show transcribed image text Yuzu: Learning to Program with X – 0 x f = C reader.yuzu.com/#/books/9780133464887/cfi/6/48!/4/2/8/6/2/2/4@0:0 ☆ @ RR . Lamaryle of Contents Exercises and Projects (Q Search TOC 9-1 Exercises 88 Chapter 4 Classes, Objects, Methods and Parameters Chapter 5 Interaction: Events and Event Handling 1. The Wave This exercise is to practice using For all in order. Create an animation that simulates some sports fans doing “the wave”-a popular stadium activity. Create an initial scene where a coach, student1, skaterGirl, and randomGuy2 (People) are standing on the field in the stadium (City). All four of these people have the same subpart structure. Then create a list made up of the people objects in the scene. Use the For all in order statement to animate each person raising his or her arms to simulate the wave.” 170 Part III Using Functions and Control Statements 172 Chapter 6 Functions and If/Else 213 Chapter 7 Repetition: Definite and Conditional Loops 239 Chapter 8 Repetition: Recursion 264 Part IV Advanced Topics 266 Chapter 9 Lists and List Processing Chapter 10 Variables and Revisiting Inheritance 0 Type here to search e 9 op ^ 12:21 AM 117/20203
Expert Answer
Answer to Yuzu: Learning to Program with X – 0 x f = C reader.yuzu.com/#/books/9780133464887/cfi/6/48!/4/2/8/6/2/2/4@0:0 ☆ @ RR …