Write Pseudocode Function Checks Given Matching Stable Matching Function Take Argument Mat Q43860265
Write the pseudocode for a function that checks if a givenmatching is a stable matching. The function should take as argumentthe matching, the 2D array Ranking, the array Current, and N, whereN = |M| = |W|, M is the set of men, and W is the set of women. Thefunction should return True if the given matching is a stablematching and False otherwise. Your algorithm must run in O(N^2)time in the worst-case; explain how your algorithm achieves this.To clarify the pseudocode, you may also have your function take thesets M and W as arguments and treat them as arrays, wheremi = M [i] and wi = W [i].
Context: We have been discussing the Gale-Shapely Algorithm inclass.
Expert Answer
Answer to Write the pseudocode for a function that checks if a given matching is a stable matching. The function should take as ar…