
Write Program Performs Following Operations One Dimensional Array 50 Unsigned Integers Mai Q43866314

Write a program that performs the following operations on a onedimensional array with 50 unsigned integers. The main program willinitialize the array, print the array values to the screen and thencall a function that will determine and print the maximum andminimum values.

•Declare the array and any other variables.

•Use a loop to initialize the array with 50 random integervalues between 0 and 99 using the rand() function. (number = rand()% 100;) •Using cout print the initialized array to the screen. All50 numbers. Can you set it up so that it prints five lines with 10numbers each?

•The main program then calls a function that determines themaximum and minimum values in the array and prints them to thescreen. The function does not return any values to the mainprogram. (NOTE: Your program must have a function that accepts thearray as an argument. )

Expert Answer

Answer to Write a program that performs the following operations on a one dimensional array with 50 unsigned integers. The main pr…