Write Program Counts Change Program Ask Number Quarters Number Dimes Number Nickels Number Q43827817
Write a program that counts change. The program shouldask for the number of quarters, the number of dimes, the number ofnickels, and the number of pennies. The program should then computethe value of all the coins and tell the user how much money thereis, expressed in dollars.
Please only write this in programming C language and pleaseexplain in every step what we are doing.
Define your inputs OUTPUTS INPUTS PROCESSING Display Title message total guarters dimes Read quarters from keyboard Read dimes from keyboard Read nickels from keyboard nickels pennies Read pennies from keyboard Compute the total of all the coins Display total Show transcribed image text Define your inputs OUTPUTS INPUTS PROCESSING Display Title message total guarters dimes Read quarters from keyboard Read dimes from keyboard Read nickels from keyboard nickels pennies Read pennies from keyboard Compute the total of all the coins Display total
Expert Answer
Answer to Write a program that counts change. The program should ask for the number of quarters, the number of dimes, the number o…