Write Program Called Convertpennies Input Integer Value Representing Number Pennies Conver Q43896547
Write a program called “ConvertPennies” to input an integervalue representing a number of pennies and convert it to itsequivalent number of Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels andPennies.
Following is the result of the execution of this program for 292pennies.
Enter the amount of pennies to convert:292 pennies is equal to2 one dollar bills3 quarters1 dimes1 nickels2 penniesHave a nice day!
This is given:
// Programmer: Your first and last names
// Problem Description:
// Convert a number of pennies into its equivalent largerdenominations.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class yourprogramname {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Declare the identifiers
// Create a Scannerobject.
// Input the number of pennies toconvert
// Convert the amount into itsequivalent denominations
// Display the result
Expert Answer
Answer to Write a program called “ConvertPennies” to input an integer value representing a number of pennies and convert it to its…