
Write Following Functions Write Function C Named Introduction Returns Nothing Takes Two In Q43885006

You will write the following functions.

Write a function in C++ named introduction that returns nothingand takes two integer parameters named low and high. This functionthen prints a welcome message as “Hello User! I am thinking anumber between <low> and <high>”. For example, low = 1,and high =100, but you can choose your own range.

Write a function named getGuess that asks the user to guess anumber between low and high. The function returns an integer, andtakes no parameters.

Write a function named testGuess that tests the number guessedabove. If the guessed number is less than the randomly generatednumber, the functions prints “Your guess is lower than the randomlygenerated number”. If the guessed number is greater than therandomly generated number, the functions prints “Your guess ishigher than the randomly generated number”. If both numbers areequal, the function prints a congratulatory message –“Congratulations! You won.”

Expert Answer

Answer to You will write the following functions. Write a function in C++ named introduction that returns nothing and takes two in…