
World Wide Web Originally Designed Stateless Entity However Time Identified Stateful Relat Q43789076

A) The World Wide Web was originally designed as a statelessentity. However, over time it was identified that a statefulrelationship between a web client and a web server can benefit inmany ways including e-commerce, collecting web behaviour of webusers etc. The cookie mechanism was introduced for this purpose. Inyour lecture slides (week-8 to week-9), the following diagramdemonstrates the use of a cookie. Explain each of the six stepsindicated in the following diagram for using the cookie in onlineshopping. 1. B) Consider a scenario where an advertising companypays fees to Deakin University for including banner ads in Deakin’sweb site, i.e., an image presenting an advertisement of a productfrom a manufacturer which is linked to the manufacturer’s webserver. Deakin receives payment from the advertising company basedon the number of visits by its users to the manufacturer’s website. The advertising company gets payment from the manufacturerbased on the number of times the advertisement is displayed.Prepare a diagram illustrating how the cookie is used whenretrieving a Deakin web page containing an advertisement and thentracking the users of Deakin’s web site visiting the manufacturer’sweb site by clicking on an advertisement. Explain the steps in yourdiagram.

Expert Answer

Answer to A) The World Wide Web was originally designed as a stateless entity. However, over time it was identified that a statefu…