Windows 10 Let S Assume Folder Located C Drive Called Oldp2 C Oldp2 Contains Bunch Files F Q43867123
In Windows 10, Let’s assume that there is a folder locatedunder the “C” drive called “oldP2” (C:oldP2) that contains a bunchof files and folders. Write out the commands that do thefollowing:
a. Create the “C:newDir” folder on your hard drive. (10points)
b. Rename the directory that you created in (a) to “newP2”. (10points)
c. Use robocopy command to move all files and directories fromoldP2 to newP2, deleting them from the source. (15 points).
d. List all the contents of “C:newP2” folder. (10points)
Hint: Chapter 13 p 721-724 – Expected commands: mkdir, ren, cd,dir, robocopy
I do not want to see the files and contents. I only need to seethe commands. Screenshots are not necessary for this part.
Expert Answer
Answer to In Windows 10, Let’s assume that there is a folder located under the “C” drive called “oldP2” (C:oldP2) that …