
Using Pycharm Python Perform Following Program Must Header Use Programming Style Guide Gui Q43779275

Using PyCharm (Python) perform the following:

  • Your program must have a header. Use the programming styleguide for guidance.
  • This program will perform various calculations (addition,subtraction, multiplication, division, and averagecalculation)
  • This program will contain a variety of loops andfunctions.
  • The program will add, subtract, multiply, divide two numbersand provide the average of multiple numbers input by the user.
  • Define a function named performCalculationwhich takes one parameter. The parameter will be the operationbeing performed (+, -, *, /).
    • This function will perform the given prompt the user for twonumbers then perform the expected operation depending on theparameter that’s passed into the function.
    • This function will print the calculated value for the enduser.
  • Define a function named calculateAverage whichtakes no parameters.
    • This function will ask the user how many numbers they wish toinput.
    • This function will use the number of times to run the programwithin a for loop in order to calculate the total and average.
    • This function will print the calculated average.
  • This program will have a main section which contains a whileloop. The while loop will be used to allow the user to run theprogram until they enter a value which ends the loop.
  • The main program should prompt the user for the operation theywish to perform.
  • The main program should evaluate the entered data using ifstatements.
  • The main program should call the necessary function to performthe calculation.

Expert Answer

Answer to Using PyCharm (Python) perform the following: Your program must have a header. Use the programming style guide for guida…