
Using Matlab Write Script Character Array Called Declaration Provided Template Extract Su Q43855190


A character array called declaration is provided by thetemplate.

a. Extract the substring containing the 192nd through 211thcharacters of the array and store them in an array calledunalienable.

b. Change the word Happiness in declaration to h@PPYNE$$ (Thisis how you might write the word happiness for use as a password.)After doing part a, you should be able to figure out what range ofindices to replace.

Script load declaration.mat Nm + unalienable = ; %complete this 5 %Replace Happiness in declaration with h@PPYNE$$

Script load declaration.mat Nm + unalienable = ”; %complete this 5 %Replace ‘Happiness’ in declaration with ‘h@PPYNE$$’ Show transcribed image text Script load declaration.mat Nm + unalienable = ”; %complete this 5 %Replace ‘Happiness’ in declaration with ‘h@PPYNE$$’

Expert Answer

Answer to Using MATLAB, WRITE A SCRIPT : A character array called declaration is provided by the template. a. Extract the substrin…