Using Loop Loop Write Program Following Calculate Average Series Homework Grades 0 100 Ent Q43866651
Using the while loop or the do – whileloop write a program that does the following:
Calculate the average of a series of homework grades (0 – 100)entered one at a time. In this case thelowest score will be dropped and the averagecomputed with the remaining grades.
For example suppose you enter the following grades: 78, 85, 81,90, 88, 93 and 97.
The average will be computed from the 6 grades 85, 81, 90, 88,93 and 97. The low score of 78 will be dropped.
Output each grade, the dropped grade and the final average.
**Using C++
Expert Answer
Answer to Using the while loop or the do – while loop write a program that does the following: Calculate the average of a series…