Using Java Language Answer Following Questions 1 Implement Recursive Method Takes Paramete Q43832076
Using Java Language answer the following questions.
1. Implement a recursive method that takes as parameters aString s and a non-negative integer I and returns a String that hass repeated I times. For example, if the given string is “CS 113″and the integer is 3 then the return value would be “CS 113 CS 113CS 113 “. (Note that if the integer is 0, then the empty string “”should be returned.)
2. Implement a recursive method that has takes a non-negativeinteger parameter x. The method prints x asterisks, followed by xexclamation points.
3. Write an application that tests these methods.
Expert Answer
Answer to Using Java Language answer the following questions. 1. Implement a recursive method that takes as parameters a String s …