Using C Implement Function Ranges Takes Input Prints Ranges E Minimum Maximum Legal Values Q43861448
Using C:
Implement the function ranges that takes no input and prints theranges (i.e., the minimum and maximum legal values) of the typeschar, short, int, long, and long long, both signed and unsigned.You should do this by printing appropriate constants defined in theheader file /usr/include/limits.h (this is why hw1.c starts with#include <limits.h>). This should print something like:
signed charminimum value: -128maximum value: 127unsigned charminimum value: 0maximum value: 255signed shortminimum value: -32768maximum value: 32767
Void ranges() {
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Answer to Using C: Implement the function ranges that takes no input and prints the ranges (i.e., the minimum and maximum legal va…