Use Quantize Function Python Round Answers Nearest Whole Number Someone Help Fix Code Get Q43783006
How do I use the quantize function in python to round my answersto the nearest whole number? Can someone help me fix the code so Ican get all my answers rounded to the nearest whole number? Also isit possible to take out duplicates in the answer?
Here is the code:
#importing xlwt library to write into xls
import xlwt
from xlwt import Workbook
#create a workbook
wb = Workbook()
#create a sheet
sheet = wb.add_sheet(‘Sheet’)
#percentages list
percentages = [23.6, 38.2, 50, 61.8, 78.6, 113, 123.6, 138.2,161.8]
#add first row
for i in range(len(percentages)):
#user input
n = int(input(‘Enter number of elements: ‘))
#second row starts from index 1
print(‘Enter numbers: ‘)
for i in range(n):
#User input
val = float(input())
#Add entered value to first column of the row
#calculate each percentage
for j in range(len(percentages)):
result =(percentages[j]/100)*val
#write result to sheet by roundingupto 3 decimal points
#increment the row by 1
#save Workbook as xls`‘percentages.xls’)
Expert Answer
Answer to How do I use the quantize function in python to round my answers to the nearest whole number? Can someone help me fix th…