
Use Eclipse Create New Project Called Lab04 Inheritance Add Following Classes Project Test Q43816424

Use Eclipse to create a new project calledLab_04-Inheritance

  1. Add the following classes to your project
    • Tester
    • Automobile ( make sure Tester can’t createan actual Automobile object )
    • Car
    • Truck
    • Bus
  2. Build out the classes so that Automobile is the parent of Car,Truck, and Bus.
  3. Automobile should have the following constructors:
    • Workhorse
    • One that will accept a RandomAccessFile
  4. Automobile should have the following properties:
    • vin (String)
    • gasTankSize (double)
    • currentGasLevel (double)
    • currentMiles (double)
    • milesPerGallon (double)
    • color (Color)
    • isAutomatic (boolean)
  5. Automobile should have the following methods and coded:
    • save(RandomAccessFile raf) throws Exception { }
    • load(RandomAccessFile raf) throws Exception { }
    • drive(double miles)
    • fillTank(double gallons)
    • toString()
  6. Automobile should force it’s children to draw themself
  7. Each other class ( Car, Truck, Bus ) should override theparent’s load() and save() methods in order to save and load anyadditional information needed that is different between theclasses. For example: A Truck might have a properties: isPickUp,maxLoadCapacity, etc. Car and Bus wouldn’t have have theseproperties so a Truck needs to save the Truck’s personal data. Thiswill apply for the other two classes.
  8. Each class ( Car, Truck, Bus ) needs to have at least 1property specific to that class and that class only (I’ve alreadygiven you 2 for Truck)
  9. Each class ( Automobile, Car, Truck, Bus ) needs to haveprivate properties with getters and setters as well as sectionbreaks.
  10. Each class ( Car, Truck, Bus ) must have their own toStringthat will add the parent’s toString to any additional informationthey have.
  11. In Tester copy and fix the code below so that it works bysaving and loading the records and printing them out. You will onlyneed to fill in the “. . .”


public static void main(String[] args) { RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { (new File(“Automobiles.bin”)).delete(); raf = new RandomAccessFile(“Automobiles.bin”, “rw”); (new Car(…)).save(raf); (new Truck(…)).save(raf); (new Bus(…)).save(raf); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { raf.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } loadAndPrint(); } private static void loadAndPrint() { RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(“Automobiles.bin”, “r”); System.out.println(new Car(raf)); System.out.println(new Truck(raf)); System.out.println(new Bus(raf)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { raf.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } }

Expert Answer

Answer to Use Eclipse to create a new project called Lab_04-Inheritance Add the following classes to your project Tester Automobil…