Use Appropriate Looping Statement Write Script Displays List Celsius Equivalents Zero Degr Q43868183
You will use an appropriate looping statement to write a scriptthat displays a list of the Celsius equivalents of zero degreesFahrenheit through 100 degrees Fahrenheit. To convert Fahrenheit toCelsius, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature, and thenmultiply the remainder by (5/9). To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit,multiply the Celsius temperature by (9/5), and then add 32. Use theround() function to display the Celsius temperature to one placeafter the decimal point. —Save and submit the document asTempConversion.php.
I’m trying to write it into one file instead of two separatefiles.. anyone know how I should do that?
Expert Answer
Answer to You will use an appropriate looping statement to write a script that displays a list of the Celsius equivalents of zero …