
Use Adventureworks2014 Later Database Review Factinternetsales Table Combination Column Va Q43822871

Use Adventureworks2014 or later databaseDimProduct ProductKey ProductAlternatekey ProductSubcategoryKey WeightUnit MeasureCode SizeUnit MeasureCode English ProductNa

  1. Review the factInternetSales table.

  1. What combination of column values uniquely identifies a row infactInternetSales?

  1. What does a row in the factInternetSales table represent to thebusiness? Explain in your own words.
  1. What is the total (SUM) of the Freight for all of the rows?When writing your response, round to two decimal places.

  1. For each dimension table in the diagram you created, identifyeach column in the fact table that relates the fact table to thedimension table. Note: Be sure to include multiple datecolumns.
  1. Using the data in this data warehouse, find and list the nameand email address of customer whose customer key is 11037. Explainin your own words how you found your answer.
  1. Using the data in this data warehouse, find and list the namesof the products customer 11037 has purchased.
  1. For the Date dimension:
  1. Describe the values in the column(s) that serve as primarykey(s) in the Date dimension.
  1. What column in the Date dimension table holds theactual date?

DimProduct ProductKey ProductAlternatekey ProductSubcategoryKey WeightUnit MeasureCode SizeUnit MeasureCode English ProductName Spanish ProductName FrenchProduct Name StandardCost Finished GoodsFlag Color SafetyStockLevel ReorderPoint ListPrice Size SizeRange Weight Days To Manufacture ProductLine Dealer Price Class Style ModelName Large Photo English Description French Description Chinese Description ArabicDescription Hebrew Description ThaiDescription GermanDescription Japanese Description Turkish Description StartDate EndDate FactInternetSales * ProductKey OrderDatekey DueDateKey ShipDateKey Customerkey PromotionKey Currencykey Sales TerritoryKey SalesOrder Number SalesOrderlineNumber Revision Number OrderQuantity UnitPrice ExtendedAmount UnitPriceDiscountPct DiscountAmount Product StandardCost Total Product Cost SalesAmount TaxAmt Freight Carrier Tracking Number CustomerPONumber Order Date DueDate Ship Date Dim Date * DateKey FullDate Alternatekey DayNumberOfWeek English DayNameOfWeek SpanishDayNameOfWeek French DayNameOfWeek DayNumberOfMonth DayNumberOfYear WeekNumberOfYear EnglishMonthName SpanishMonthName French MonthName MonthNumberOfYear CalendarQuarter CalendarYear CalendarSemester FiscalQuarter Fiscal Year FiscalSemester DimCustomer Customerkey Geography Key CustomerAlternateKey Title First Name MiddleName LastName NameStyle BirthDate Marital Status Suffix Gender EmailAddress YearlyIncome TotalChildren NumberChildrenAtHome EnglishEducation SpanishEducation FrenchEducation English Occupation Spanish Occupation French Occupation House OwnerFlag NumberCarsOwned AddressLine1 AddressLine2 Phone Date FirstPurchase CommuteDistance Status Show transcribed image text DimProduct ProductKey ProductAlternatekey ProductSubcategoryKey WeightUnit MeasureCode SizeUnit MeasureCode English ProductName Spanish ProductName FrenchProduct Name StandardCost Finished GoodsFlag Color SafetyStockLevel ReorderPoint ListPrice Size SizeRange Weight Days To Manufacture ProductLine Dealer Price Class Style ModelName Large Photo English Description French Description Chinese Description ArabicDescription Hebrew Description ThaiDescription GermanDescription Japanese Description Turkish Description StartDate EndDate FactInternetSales * ProductKey OrderDatekey DueDateKey ShipDateKey Customerkey PromotionKey Currencykey Sales TerritoryKey SalesOrder Number SalesOrderlineNumber Revision Number OrderQuantity UnitPrice ExtendedAmount UnitPriceDiscountPct DiscountAmount Product StandardCost Total Product Cost SalesAmount TaxAmt Freight Carrier Tracking Number CustomerPONumber Order Date DueDate Ship Date Dim Date * DateKey FullDate Alternatekey DayNumberOfWeek English DayNameOfWeek SpanishDayNameOfWeek French DayNameOfWeek DayNumberOfMonth DayNumberOfYear WeekNumberOfYear EnglishMonthName SpanishMonthName French MonthName MonthNumberOfYear CalendarQuarter CalendarYear CalendarSemester FiscalQuarter Fiscal Year FiscalSemester DimCustomer Customerkey Geography Key CustomerAlternateKey Title First Name MiddleName LastName NameStyle BirthDate Marital Status Suffix Gender EmailAddress YearlyIncome TotalChildren NumberChildrenAtHome EnglishEducation SpanishEducation FrenchEducation English Occupation Spanish Occupation French Occupation House OwnerFlag NumberCarsOwned AddressLine1 AddressLine2 Phone Date FirstPurchase CommuteDistance Status

Expert Answer

Answer to Use Adventureworks2014 or later database Review the factInternetSales table. What combination of column values uniquely…