True False T F 1 Decoding Converts Data Signal 2 Telecommunications Reduce External Transa Q43833990
True or False (T/F)
1. Decoding converts data to a signal.
2. Telecommunications can reduce external transactioncosts and hence reduce the size of firms.
3. The SIMO has greater transmission range than theMISO.
4. A star topology requires a central node, or thehub.
5. A circuit must be a tangible wire orcable.
6. Digital divide exists in both developed anddeveloping economies.
7. This is a normal telecommunications model: source-> transmitter -> encoder -> channel ->decoder -> receiver -> destination.
8. The frequency modulation is inferior to amplitudemodulation in quality.
9. All switching facilities are defined astelecommunication equipments.
10. Companies should only pay attention to use value butnot exchange value so as to maximize the value forusers.
Expert Answer
Answer to True or False (T/F) 1. Decoding converts data to a signal. 2. Telecommunications can reduce external transaction costs a…