
Symbolize Following Sentences Using Schemes Abbreviation Provided Single Penguin Ability F Q43791097

Symbolize the following sentences using the schemes ofabbreviation provided.

  1. Not a single penguin has the ability to fly. (Px: x is apenguin; Fx: x has the ability to fly)
  2. Only those who have studied logic truly understand thecomplexities of the English language. (Sx: x has studied logic; Ux:x understands the complexities of the English language)
  3. Some people are not very helpful. (Px: x is a person; Hx: x isvery helpful)
  4. All basketball players are tall. (Bx: x plays basketball; Tx: xis tall)
  5. Anyone who does not favor additional gun control legislation iseither a Democrat who does not support the President’s position ora Republican. (Fx: x favors additional gun control legislation; Dx:x is a Democrat; Sx: x supports the President’s position; Rx: x isa Republican)

Expert Answer

Answer to Symbolize the following sentences using the schemes of abbreviation provided. Not a single penguin has the ability to fl…