
Suppose Spherical Droplet Liquid Evaporates Rate Proportional Surface Area V Volume Mm3 T Q43868911

Suppose that a spherical droplet of liquid evaporates at a ratethat is proportional to its surface area: where V = volume (mm3 ),t = time (min), k = the evaporation rate (mm/min), and A = surfacearea (mm2 ). Use Euler’s method to compute the volume of thedroplet from t = 0 to 10 min using a step size of 0.25 min. Assumethat k = 0.08 mm/min and that the droplet initially has a radius of2.5 mm. Assess the validity of your results by determining theradius of your final computed volume and verifying that it isconsistent with the evaporation rate. In this problem (2), you canuse either MATLAB (include your code with the solution) or anyother worksheet software as discussed in class. Hint: As thedroplet is evaporating, its area and volume are simultaneouslychanging. Find a relationship between area and volume for asphere.

Hear is my current code for Matlab


for i=1:n-1
y(i+1) = y(i)+h*f;

Can someone tell me where I’m going wrong?

Expert Answer

Answer to Suppose that a spherical droplet of liquid evaporates at a rate that is proportional to its surface area: where V = volu…