
Start Sql Server Remember Described Required Survey Access Sql Server Either Access Sql Se Q43788989

  1. Start SQL Server.
    Remember, as described in the Required Survey: How will youaccess SQL Server?, you can either access SQL Server via room N252or install in on your own personal computer.
  2. Locate the AdventureWorksLT database. This canbe any version of the “LT” database, e.g. AdventureWorkLT2012,AdventureWorksLT2017, or even simply AdventureWorksLT – all havethe same data.
  3. Start a new query and write a SQL statement thatdisplays all of the data from the Customer table.
    Yikes! How do you know how to do this? Demonstrations of allconcepts are available on our Watch these VIDEOSpage.
  4. Take a screen shot that shows SQLServer and your new query, includingyour code and the queryresults.
  5. Save the screen shot image as a file or paste thescreen shot into the Word document. You may exit SQLServer without saving the query.
  6. Return to this assignment page,attach your screen shot file, andsubmit.

Expert Answer

Answer to Start SQL Server. Remember, as described in the Required Survey: How will you access SQL Server?, you can either access…