
Software Architect Assigned Modernize Crm Customer Relationship Management System Employer Q43907372

You, as a software architect, are assigned tomodernize a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for youremployer. The key driver behind this system is to attain and retaincustomers through its relationship with them.

Create the following sections of the ArchitectureDesign Document (ADD) in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft® Worddocument, using the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systemdescribed in the Assignment Background document:

• Overview section:

• Create an overview of the existing CRM system.

• State the issues.

• Identify the goals to modernize the existingsystem. 

• Stakeholder identifications section:

• Create a table including at least 6 stakeholders ofthe system (including internal and external users).

• Summarize each, including why they arestakeholders. 

• For those users with functional use of the CRM, listone or more uses that they would have for the system. This need notbe an exhaustive list, but you are looking for the core features ofthe CRM to be included.

Assignment Background

You, as a software architect, are assigned tomodernize a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for youremployer. The key driver behind this system is to attain and retaincustomers through its relationship with them.

The problems your company face are as follows:

• Your company produces products, but it is havingtrouble finding the target market for these products.

• Your company also has no way to market products toprospective customers.

• The customers your company has attracted are oftenunsatisfied and do not issue repeat business to the company.

On a positive note, your company has workable systemsin existence:

• Sales – Order system is fine, but lead generationand marketing is non-existent

• Accounting

• Inventory

• Customer service call tracking

Unfortunately, none of these systems talk to eachother. There is no synergy within the organization integrating thesystems with one another.

In addition to solving these internal problems, thecompany wishes to address the following requirements:

• Simplify and ease integration with existingsystems

• Expand the system into other areas

• Provide mobile access for customers and potentialcustomers. The company will interact with customers in this way,and, more importantly, customers can interact with the company

• Mine its massive databases for analyticalpurposes

• Secure the system since the last data breach at thecompany tarnished its image and resulted in hundreds of thousandsof stolen credit card numbers

Expert Answer

Answer to You, as a software architect, are assigned to modernize a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for your employe…