
Skye Written Function Supposed Produce Given Image Caption Underneath Please Correct Expr Q43815170

;; Skye has now written a function that is supposed to produce thegiven image
;; with a caption underneath it. Please correct the expressionbelow so that
;; it correctly produces a blue circle with the text “Blue Circle”under it.
;; First uncomment the expression, then fix it.
;; Do NOT change the function definition, just fix the expressionthat is
;; commented. When you are done, do NOT add the semi-colon back tothe
;; beginning of the line, UNLESS your expression still produces anerror.

(define (give-caption img cap)
(above img
(text cap 15 “dark gray”)))

;(give-caption “Blue Circle” (circle 40 “solid” “blue”))

Expert Answer

Answer to ;; ;; Skye has now written a function that is supposed to produce the given image ;; with a caption underneath it. Plea…