Show Working Cryptography Encryption Process Encoding Message Information Way Authorized P Q43868729
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Incryptography, encryption is the process of encoding a message orinformation in such a way that only authorized parties can accessit and those who are not authorized cannot. Encryption does notitself prevent interference but denies the intelligible content toa would-be interceptor.One failing of an encryption system occurs if a letter (or number) always encodes to the same value. Let’s see how we can exploit this weakness. Let’s assume that we know that the word GOOD is in this intercepted message: XLI3KSSH3HSGXIV. What are the encrypted values (i.e., give the mappings) of the letters G, O, D i.e., G->?, O->C, and D -> ?) and what is the encryption algorithm? To test your detective skills, what is the exact original message? (It’s a simple cipher where a letter or number always encodes to the same value). Hint: you need to find where GOOD would appear in the encrypted message. Show transcribed image text One failing of an encryption system occurs if a letter (or number) always encodes to the same value. Let’s see how we can exploit this weakness. Let’s assume that we know that the word GOOD is in this intercepted message: XLI3KSSH3HSGXIV. What are the encrypted values (i.e., give the mappings) of the letters G, O, D i.e., G->?, O->C, and D -> ?) and what is the encryption algorithm? To test your detective skills, what is the exact original message? (It’s a simple cipher where a letter or number always encodes to the same value). Hint: you need to find where GOOD would appear in the encrypted message.
Expert Answer
Answer to show all working In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that onl…