
Show Output Produced Following Program Fragments Assume J K Int Variables 7 J 2 Printf D D Q43814690

  1. Show the output produced by each of the followingprogram fragments. Assume that I, j, k areint variables
    1. i = 7; j = 2;

printf(“%d %d ”, i / j, i %j);

  1. i = 4; j = 3;

printf(“%d”, (i + 10 ) %j);

  1. i = 7; j = 8; k = 9;

printf(“%d”, (i + 10) % k /j);

  1. Show the output produced by each of the followingprogram fragments. Assume that I, j, k are intvariables
    1. i = 7; j = 8;

i *= j + 3;

printf(“%d %d”, i,j);

  1. i = j = k = 1;

i *= j *= k;

printf(“%d %d %d”, i, j,k);

  1. Show the output produced by each of the followingprogram fragments. Assume the I, j, k are intvariables.
    1. i = 4;

j = ++i * 3 – 2;

printf(“%d %d” i,j)

  1. i = 3;

j = 3 – 2 * i++;

printf(“%d %d”, i,j);

  1. i = 2; j = 5;

printf(“%d ”, i++ -++j);

printf(“%d %d”, i,j);

Expert Answer

Answer to Show the output produced by each of the following program fragments. Assume that I, j, k are int variables i = 7; j = 2…