
Risk Possibility Attack Threat Compromising Infrastructure Normally Accomplished Exploitin Q43883232

Risk is the possibility of an attack or threat compromising yourIT infrastructure. It is normally accomplished by exploitingvulnerabilities in computers, networks, and even people.


You work for a medium-sized business with 200 computers andusers. The company has experienced extremely fast growth, and untilnow has not been concerned with risk. Your task is to define riskto your company and develop plans to deal with it effectively. Theboard of directors is interested in finding out the annualized lossexpectancy for the company’s servers. The board also wishes to havesome kind of management plan in place that includes analyzingnetwork documentation and mitigating threats and potentialcompromise.

Answer each question below – each question worth 2.5pts

  1. What type of risk assessment should you recommend?

Because you don’t know exactly what will happen to yourcompany’s servers in the future, it is impossible to predictexactly what will happen to them, and when, and how much it willcost.

  1. What concept, in addition to your risk assessment method, canaid in this?

  1. What kind of management plan should you implement? What basicsteps does it entail?

Expert Answer

Answer to Risk is the possibility of an attack or threat compromising your IT infrastructure. It is normally accomplished by explo…