Respond Following Minimum 175 Words Organizations Need Know Value Data Find Best Way Prote Q43854528
Respond to thefollowing in a minimum of 175 words:
Organizations need toknow the value of their data to find the best way to protect it.The data must be categorized according to the organization’s levelof concern for confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Thepotential impact on assets and operations should be known in casedata, systems, and/or networks are compromised (throughunauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, ordestruction).
Choose an organization from the Health Care,Finance, or Education sector to study throughout this course.
Based on your chosenorganization, ensure you:
- Discuss the organization’s data.
- Discuss the organization’s categorization of the data based onthe Standards for Security Categorization of FederalInformation and Information Systems.
Expert Answer
Answer to Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Organizations need to know the value of their data to find the best …