
R Write Function Named Monthconvert X Fromlang Tolang Convert Month Names One Language Ano Q43857189

In R!

Write a function named month_convert(x, from_lang, to_lang) thatwill convert month names from one language to another. The functionwill accept three arguments: x, which is a factor with monthinformation; the language from which we are tranlating from_lang;and the language to which we are translating to_lang.

For example:

x <- factor(c(“March”,”March”,”February”,”June”))


will output:

[1] marzo marzo debrero junio

Levels: febrero junio marzo

If the input contains a value that is not a real month, then itwill be replaced with NA

x <- factor(c(“March”,”March”,”February”,”June”,”Jaly”))

month_convert(x, “English”, “Spanish”)

[1] marzo marzo febrero junio <NA>

Levels: febrero junio marzo

Expert Answer

Answer to In R! Write a function named month_convert(x, from_lang, to_lang) that will convert month names from one language to ano…