Question 4 Sql Consider Following Database Schema Item Item Name Type Price Customer Cid N Q43802102
Question 4.A – SQL Consider the following database Schema: Item (Item No name, type, Price) Customer (CID, Name) Sales (SID, Item No, CID, Quantity) Write the following queries in SQL. 1. Display item name, customer name and Quantity for all items bought by customer “CID=415”. 2. Retrieve the list of customers’ ID who have bought at least one item of type “Electrical” but never bought items of type “Cleaning”. Question 4.B – Relational Algebra Use the schema in Q#4 to answer the following queries in RELATIONAL ALGE 1. Display the list of customers’ ID who have bought at least one item “Electrical”, but never bought items of type “Cleaning 2. Change the name of Customer ID=301 to be ‘Mike’. Show transcribed image text Question 4.A – SQL Consider the following database Schema: Item (Item No name, type, Price) Customer (CID, Name) Sales (SID, Item No, CID, Quantity) Write the following queries in SQL. 1. Display item name, customer name and Quantity for all items bought by customer “CID=415”. 2. Retrieve the list of customers’ ID who have bought at least one item of type “Electrical” but never bought items of type “Cleaning”.
Question 4.B – Relational Algebra Use the schema in Q#4 to answer the following queries in RELATIONAL ALGE 1. Display the list of customers’ ID who have bought at least one item “Electrical”, but never bought items of type “Cleaning 2. Change the name of Customer ID=301 to be ‘Mike’.
Expert Answer
Answer to Question 4.A – SQL Consider the following database Schema: Item (Item No name, type, Price) Customer (CID, Name) Sales (…