
Python Question Continue Statement Used Skip Current Block Move Ahead Next Iteration Witho Q43855149

a Python question:

The continue statement is used to skip thecurrent block and move ahead to the next iteration, withoutexecuting the statements inside the loop.

It can be used with both the while and for loops.

Your task here is very special: you must design a vowel eater!Write a program that uses:

  • a for loop;
  • the concept of conditional execution(if-elif-else)
  • the continue statement.

Your program must:

  • ask the user to enter a word;
  • use userWord = userWord.upper() to convert the word entered bythe user to upper case; we’ll talk about the so-calledstring methods and the upper() method very soon -don’t worry;
  • use conditional execution and the continue statement to “eat”the following vowels A, E, I,O, U from the inputted word;
  • print the uneaten letters to the screen, each one of them on aseparate line.

Expert Answer

Answer to a Python question: The continue statement is used to skip the current block and move ahead to the next iteration, withou…