
Python Programing Python Programing 5 Problem Size N Algorithms B Perform N2 N2 N Instruct Q43886264

python programing
python programing5.For problem size n, algorithms A and B perform n2 and ½ n2 +½ n instructions, respectively. Which algorithm does more work? Arethere particular problem sizes for which one algorithm performssignificantly better than the other? Are there particular problemsizes for which both algorithms perform approximately the sameamount of work?6.Explain why the modified bubble sort still exhibits O(n2)behavior on the average.7.Explain why insertion sort works well on partially sortedlists.8.Describe the strategy of quicksort and explain why it canreduce the time complexity of sorting from O(n2) to O(n logn).

Expert Answer

Answer to python programing python programing 5.For problem size n, algorithms A and B perform n2 and ½ n2 + ½ n instructions, r…