File Quiz Scoresbin Zip File Quiz Scoreszip Contains Records Three Fields Field Name Forma Q43875103
The file quiz-scores.bin in the zip file quiz-scores.zipcontains records with three fields each:
Field NameFormatSizefirst_nameASCII Code8 bytesstudent_idPacked Decimal4 digits representing decimal digits (2 bytes)quiz_answersBit String
0 means F, 1 means T.5 bits with 3 padding bits (1 byte)
Use the hex dump utility to interpret the data inquiz-scores.bin.
Here is a sample hex dump and interpretation of one record:
> py examp.bin00000 41 6c 69 63 65 20 20 20 12 34 68 A l i c e ^R 4 h
You can also redirect the dump from the Command Prompt Window toan output text file like this:
> py examp.bin > dump.txt
Here is the hex dump for quiz-scores.bin in case you havetrouble running and saving the output.
Include this dump in your submission for Project 1. Here is theinterpretation of the hex dump for Alice:
Field 1 (first_name): 41 6c 69 63 65 20 20 20
8 bytes: ASCII codes for Alice padded with three spaces.
Field 2 (student_id): 12 34
2 bytes: The student id 1234 which consists of 4 packed decimaldigits.
Field 3 (quiz_answers): 68 = 01101000
1 byte: 01101 represents the answers to a true/false quizF,T,T,F,T, with 3 zero bits of padding.
python programming
Expert Answer
Answer to The file quiz-scores.bin in the zip file contains records with three fields each: Field Name Format Size…