
Far Jog Morning Prefer Jog Different Locations Day Pedometer Measure Distance Create Appli Q43831956

How far do you jog each morning? You prefer to jog in differentlocations each day and do not have a pedometer to measure yourdistance. Create an application to determine the distance joggedgiven the average number of strides ran during the fist minute,average number ran during the last minute, and the total minutesjogging.

Design a modularized solution (with methods) in PYTHON todisplay the distance traveled.

Pedometers measure the distance you run. However, you can alsodo a good estimate of the distance if you know your foot stride,how many strides you complete per minute, and the number of minutesyou job. Foot stride is the distance covered by one average steplength. Since everyone has a different foot size, strides differ.Manny people average 3 feet per setup when jogging. For thisapplication, assume the foot stride is 2.5 feet. There are 5,280feet in a mile.

To establish how many strides per minutes, allow the user toinput the number of strides made during the first minute joggingand the number of strides made string the last minutes of jogging.Use the average of those values to represent the strides perminute. Allow the user to input the total time spent jogging inhours and minutes. Write code that will display to distancetraveled in miles.

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Answer to How far do you jog each morning? You prefer to jog in different locations each day and do not have a pedometer to measur…