
Edit Question Databases Everywhere Whether Know Good Chance Daily Activities May Interact Q43867402

Edit question

Databases are everywhere, whether you know it or not. There is agood chance that in your daily activities that you may haveinteracted with a database. Discuss at least two databases from thecategories listed below and in your own words, give an example ofhow people may have an interacted with this database. Your initialpost must include your answers to the above questions. The initialposts are due on Wednesday evening at 11:59 p.m. Respond to 2students. Look at your classmates responses; create conversation byresponding to 2 other students posts (2 different replies). Repliesto your classmates are due on Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m. DatabaseCategories: Communication e-Commerce Education Finances GovernmentOrganizations Geo-Location Healthcare Marketing Mobile TechnologyOnline Gaming Online Television Streaming Personal Cloud StorageSocial Media Sports Weather

Expert Answer

Answer to Edit question Databases are everywhere, whether you know it or not. There is a good chance that in your daily activities…