
Directions Given File Structure Shown Figure P11 Answer Problems 1 4 Refer Module 1 Course Q43897206

Directions: Given the file structure shown inFigure P1.1, answer Problems 1 – 4. Refer to Module 1 in the coursefor directions on submitting the completed file. Point values arelisted after each problem. Assignment total points =40.

FIGURE P1.1 The File Structure forProblems 1-4


  1. How many records does the file contain? How many fields arethere per record? (8pts)
  1. What problem would you encounter if you wanted to produce alisting by city? How would you solve this problem by altering thefile structure? (10pts)
  1. If you wanted to produce a listing of the file contents by lastname, area code, city, state, or zip code, how would you alter thefile structure? (10pts)

  1. What data redundancies do you detect? How could thoseredundancies lead to anomalies? (12pts)

Expert Answer

Answer to Directions: Given the file structure shown in Figure P1.1, answer Problems 1 – 4. Refer to Module 1 in the course for di…