Homework Programming Language Processor Class Really Need Help Thank Much Clear Version Q43828134

Homework from programming language processor class… I really needhelp… Thank you very much

var i, a[10]; % ./plod array.pl ; start compilation start execution begin 1 :- 9; while i >= 0 do begin a[i] - i. i; 1:- i -
clear version
A ll + Fit to page Page View Question 4-3 A name and an address are registered in a symbol table for a scalar variable, Consi

name record fo=n → a collision $(x)=h- a yered LICHTTEITA entries with a same hash valuevar i, a[10]; % ./plod array.pl ; start compilation start execution begin 1 :- 9; while i >= 0 do begin a[i] – i. i; 1:- i – 1; end; 1 :- 0; while i < 10 do begin write a[i]; writeln; 1 :- 1 + 1; end; end. Figure 8: array.pl Figure 9: The output of ar- ray.plo Question 4 Answer the following questions to introduce one-dimensional array to PL/ We usume that the first element of an array has index zero and that arrays are allocated over a stack. Question 4-3 A name and an address are registered in a symbol table for a scalar variable. Consider information registered in a symbol table for an array, and modify a structure Table in table.c of which a symbol table consists. Explain the modification in your report. Question 4-4 Introduce the following two instructions loda’ and son into the function execute in codegen.c. Explain the modification in your report. A load Instruction “loda’ A load instruction “loda, level, addr’ works as follows (Fig. 10). 1. Pop a value (inder) from a stack. 2. Push a value of ‘stack displayſlere + addr + indel (val in Fig. 10) to the stack A store instruction ‘stoa A store instruction ‘ston, Icel, addr’ works as follows (Fig.11). 1. Pop a value (na!) from a stack. 2. Pop a value (index) from the stack 3. Set ‘stack display level + addr + inded to the value ral A ll + Fit to page Page View Question 4-3 A name and an address are registered in a symbol table for a scalar variable, Consider information registered in a symbol table for an array, and modify a structure TableE in table.c of which a symbol table consists. Explain the modification in your report. Question 4-4 Introduce the following two instructions “loda’ and ‘stoa’ into the function execute in codegen.c. Explain the modification in your report. A load instruction ‘loda’ A load instruction ‘loda, level, addr’ works as follows (Fig.10). 1. Pop a value (index) from a stack. 2. Push a value of ‘stack(display[level] + addr + index’ (val in Fig.10) to the stack A store instruction ‘stoa’ A store instruction ‘stoa, level, addr’ works as follows (Fig. 11). 1. Pop a value (val) from a stack. 2. Pop a value (index) from the stack. 3. Set ‘stack (display(level + addr + index)’ to the value val name record fo=n → a collision $(x)=h- a yered LICHTTEITA entries with a same hash value Show transcribed image text var i, a[10]; % ./plod array.pl ; start compilation start execution begin 1 :- 9; while i >= 0 do begin a[i] – i. i; 1:- i – 1; end; 1 :- 0; while i

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Answer to Homework from programming language processor class… I really need help… Thank you very much clear version…

Homework Programming Language Processor Really Need Help Codes Thank Much Q43828107

Homework from Programming Language Processor… I really needhelp with the codes. Thank you very much!
T V paye LG Page View A Read Question 1-3 Fig.2 and Fig.3 show a test program do.plo and its output respectively. Write the o
Var cao numbe STATEMENT Cicero Lo Vespremont - ident s 7lexpression | FACTOR Citat 20-paponia jaT V paye LG Page View A Read Question 1-3 Fig.2 and Fig.3 show a test program do.plo and its output respectively. Write the output of do.plo compiled by your PL/O compiler in your report. % ./plod do.plo start compilation start execution var x; begin x := 0; do begin write x; writeln; x := x + end while x < 3 end. мно 1 Figure 2: A test program do.plo Figure 3: The output of do.plo Var cao numbe STATEMENT Cicero Lo Vespremont – ident s 7lexpression | FACTOR Citat 20-paponia ja Show transcribed image text T V paye LG Page View A Read Question 1-3 Fig.2 and Fig.3 show a test program do.plo and its output respectively. Write the output of do.plo compiled by your PL/O compiler in your report. % ./plod do.plo start compilation start execution var x; begin x := 0; do begin write x; writeln; x := x + end while x

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Answer to Homework from Programming Language Processor… I really need help with the codes. Thank you very much! …

Homework Programming Language Processor Really Need Help Thank Question 4 3 Name Address R Q43828139

Homework from Programming Language Processor.. I really needhelp! thank you!
var i, a[10]; % ./plod array.plo ; start compilation ; start execution begin i := 9; while i >= 0 do begin a[i] := i + i; i:-Question 4-3A name and an address are registered in a symbol table for ascalar variable. Consider information registered in a symbol tablefor an array, and modify a structure TableE in table.c of which asymbol table consists. Explain the modification in yourreport.var i, a[10]; % ./plod array.plo ; start compilation ; start execution begin i := 9; while i >= 0 do begin a[i] := i + i; i:- i – 1; end; i := 0; while i < 10 do begin write a[i]; writeln; i :- i + 1; end; end. Figure 8: array.plo Figure 9: The output of ar- ray.plo Question 4 Answer the following questions to introduce one-dimensional array to PL/0″. we assume that the first element of an array has index zero and that arrays are allocated over a stack. Show transcribed image text var i, a[10]; % ./plod array.plo ; start compilation ; start execution begin i := 9; while i >= 0 do begin a[i] := i + i; i:- i – 1; end; i := 0; while i

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Answer to Homework from Programming Language Processor.. I really need help! thank you!Question 4-3A name and an address are regis…

Homework Task 4201903pdf 1 1 Bovenbouncvconcursos Puro P Orodigo Numbers Row Column Diagon Q43835270

Can you solving via python pls !

THX a lot!!!Homework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. The pl

Homework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. The player will then call, “Bingo!” x 70 x 45 x and the host will examine their card and award them the win. The numbers on the x x x x card range from 1 to 75. The center square on the grid is considered automatically crossed off. X X X 22 x 20 X X X X Write two functions: A function called generate_grid that returns a 5×5 list where each position is a random (5 marks) number between 1 and 75 and the center square is marked with an ‘X’. A function called grid_wins that takes a parameter called grid. It should return True (5 marks) if all positions in one row, column or diagonal contain only ‘X’s. Write a program to: Generate a grid using the generate_grid function. Loop the following until the grid_wins function returns True: o Generate a random number between 1 and 75 and print it. If the grid contains that number, replace that number with an ‘X’. Print the grid with one row per line. o Check if the grid has crossed off a row, column or diagonal using the grid_wins function and print “Bingo!” if the function returns True. (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (4 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) Ensure you include: • A comment containing the academic integrity statement found on the Moodle. • Comments throughout your code to explain important sections. Hint: Your initial bingo card should contain random numbers and may look like the following: (73, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2,1 [22,13,X, 69,6,1 [74, 22, 31, 61,3,) [64, 44, 47, 48, 53,] Throughout the program you should generate a random number and cross off that number if it was found, such as: Number was 73 [X, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2, [22,13,X, 69,6,1 (74, 22, 31, 61,3,] [64, 44, 47, 48,53,1 Your program should end if all numbers in a column, row or diagonal become ‘X’, such as: [X, X, X, 35, 60,1 [X,X, 36,X,X, ) [X, X, X, X,X, ) (74,X, 31, X, X, ) [X, X, X, 48,X, ) Show transcribed image text Homework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. The player will then call, “Bingo!” x 70 x 45 x and the host will examine their card and award them the win. The numbers on the x x x x card range from 1 to 75. The center square on the grid is considered automatically crossed off. X X X 22 x 20 X X X X Write two functions: A function called generate_grid that returns a 5×5 list where each position is a random (5 marks) number between 1 and 75 and the center square is marked with an ‘X’. A function called grid_wins that takes a parameter called grid. It should return True (5 marks) if all positions in one row, column or diagonal contain only ‘X’s. Write a program to: Generate a grid using the generate_grid function. Loop the following until the grid_wins function returns True: o Generate a random number between 1 and 75 and print it. If the grid contains that number, replace that number with an ‘X’. Print the grid with one row per line. o Check if the grid has crossed off a row, column or diagonal using the grid_wins function and print “Bingo!” if the function returns True. (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (4 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) Ensure you include: • A comment containing the academic integrity statement found on the Moodle. • Comments throughout your code to explain important sections. Hint: Your initial bingo card should contain random numbers and may look like the following: (73, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2,1 [22,13,X, 69,6,1 [74, 22, 31, 61,3,) [64, 44, 47, 48, 53,] Throughout the program you should generate a random number and cross off that number if it was found, such as: Number was 73 [X, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2, [22,13,X, 69,6,1 (74, 22, 31, 61,3,] [64, 44, 47, 48,53,1 Your program should end if all numbers in a column, row or diagonal become ‘X’, such as: [X, X, X, 35, 60,1 [X,X, 36,X,X, ) [X, X, X, X,X, ) (74,X, 31, X, X, ) [X, X, X, 48,X, )

Expert Answer

Answer to Homework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. T…

Homework Task 4201903pdf 1 1 Bovenbouncvconcursos Puro P Orodigo Numbers Row Column Diagon Q43842779

Can you plz solving this question via PYTHON plz

NOT through C++

Thx a lotHomework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. The pl

Homework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. The player will then call, “Bingo!” x 70 x 45 x and the host will examine their card and award them the win. The numbers on the x x x x card range from 1 to 75. The center square on the grid is considered automatically crossed off. X X X 22 x 20 X X X X Write two functions: A function called generate_grid that returns a 5×5 list where each position is a random (5 marks) number between 1 and 75 and the center square is marked with an ‘X’. A function called grid_wins that takes a parameter called grid. It should return True (5 marks) if all positions in one row, column or diagonal contain only ‘X’s. Write a program to: Generate a grid using the generate_grid function. Loop the following until the grid_wins function returns True: o Generate a random number between 1 and 75 and print it. If the grid contains that number, replace that number with an ‘X’. Print the grid with one row per line. o Check if the grid has crossed off a row, column or diagonal using the grid_wins function and print “Bingo!” if the function returns True. (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (4 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) Ensure you include: • A comment containing the academic integrity statement found on the Moodle. • Comments throughout your code to explain important sections. Hint: Your initial bingo card should contain random numbers and may look like the following: (73, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2,1 [22,13,X, 69,6,1 [74, 22, 31, 61,3,) [64, 44, 47, 48, 53,] Throughout the program you should generate a random number and cross off that number if it was found, such as: Number was 73 [X, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2, [22,13,X, 69,6,1 (74, 22, 31, 61,3,] [64, 44, 47, 48,53,1 Your program should end if all numbers in a column, row or diagonal become ‘X’, such as: [X, X, X, 35, 60,1 [X,X, 36,X,X, ) [X, X, X, X,X, ) (74,X, 31, X, X, ) [X, X, X, 48,X, ) Show transcribed image text Homework Task 4_201903.pdf 1/1 BOVENBOUNCVCONCURSOS PURO P ORODIGO numbers in a row, column or diagonal on their card. The player will then call, “Bingo!” x 70 x 45 x and the host will examine their card and award them the win. The numbers on the x x x x card range from 1 to 75. The center square on the grid is considered automatically crossed off. X X X 22 x 20 X X X X Write two functions: A function called generate_grid that returns a 5×5 list where each position is a random (5 marks) number between 1 and 75 and the center square is marked with an ‘X’. A function called grid_wins that takes a parameter called grid. It should return True (5 marks) if all positions in one row, column or diagonal contain only ‘X’s. Write a program to: Generate a grid using the generate_grid function. Loop the following until the grid_wins function returns True: o Generate a random number between 1 and 75 and print it. If the grid contains that number, replace that number with an ‘X’. Print the grid with one row per line. o Check if the grid has crossed off a row, column or diagonal using the grid_wins function and print “Bingo!” if the function returns True. (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (4 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) Ensure you include: • A comment containing the academic integrity statement found on the Moodle. • Comments throughout your code to explain important sections. Hint: Your initial bingo card should contain random numbers and may look like the following: (73, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2,1 [22,13,X, 69,6,1 [74, 22, 31, 61,3,) [64, 44, 47, 48, 53,] Throughout the program you should generate a random number and cross off that number if it was found, such as: Number was 73 [X, 70, 16, 35, 60,] [17,7, 36, 69,2, [22,13,X, 69,6,1 (74, 22, 31, 61,3,] [64, 44, 47, 48,53,1 Your program should end if all numbers in a column, row or diagonal become ‘X’, such as: [X, X, X, 35, 60,1 [X,X, 36,X,X, ) [X, X, X, X,X, ) (74,X, 31, X, X, ) [X, X, X, 48,X, )

Expert Answer

Answer to Can you plz solving this question via PYTHON plz NOT through C++ Thx a lot…

Hospital Desires Computerize Daily Parking Activity Parking Opens Doors 8 Till 8 Pm Theref Q43843376

A hospital desires to computerize its daily parking activity. The parking opens its doors from 8 AM till 8 PM. Therefore, theA hospital desires to computerize its daily parking activity. The parking opens its doors from 8 AM till 8 PM. Therefore, they bought a device to issue cards, at the entrance gate upon the visitor request, showing the arrival time. Upon leaving the parking the same card is inserted again in the same device by an employee at the exit door in order to send as input both the arrival and the leaving time to the computer. You are asked to write a C+ program that accepts as input the arrival time and leaving time as being two float numbers (for example, if the arrival time is 12:30, it will be inputted as 12.30 and using the built in function: floor(12.30) will result in the float value 12.0 on the other hand, if the departure time is 4:42, it will be inputted as 4.42 and using the built in function: ceil(4.42) will result in the float value 5.0 since any fraction of an hour will be charged as a full hour). These two floats are used to calculate the time spent inside the parking and to output the amount due with an additional 10% VAT tax. The rates are fixed as follows $5 for the first three hours and $2 for each additional hour. Your program must loop as long as the cahier wants to and must display at the end of the day the amount collected from all visitors. Show transcribed image text A hospital desires to computerize its daily parking activity. The parking opens its doors from 8 AM till 8 PM. Therefore, they bought a device to issue cards, at the entrance gate upon the visitor request, showing the arrival time. Upon leaving the parking the same card is inserted again in the same device by an employee at the exit door in order to send as input both the arrival and the leaving time to the computer. You are asked to write a C+ program that accepts as input the arrival time and leaving time as being two float numbers (for example, if the arrival time is 12:30, it will be inputted as 12.30 and using the built in function: floor(12.30) will result in the float value 12.0 on the other hand, if the departure time is 4:42, it will be inputted as 4.42 and using the built in function: ceil(4.42) will result in the float value 5.0 since any fraction of an hour will be charged as a full hour). These two floats are used to calculate the time spent inside the parking and to output the amount due with an additional 10% VAT tax. The rates are fixed as follows $5 for the first three hours and $2 for each additional hour. Your program must loop as long as the cahier wants to and must display at the end of the day the amount collected from all visitors.

Expert Answer

Answer to A hospital desires to computerize its daily parking activity. The parking opens its doors from 8 AM till 8 PM. Therefore…

Hough Transform Point X0 Y0 Xy Plane Mapped Curve P Parameter Space Write Equation Curve B Q43797489

(a) In the Hough Transform, a point (x0, y0) in the xy-plane is mapped into a curve in the (p, )-parameter space. Write down

(a) In the Hough Transform, a point (x0, y0) in the xy-plane is mapped into a curve in the (p, )-parameter space. Write down the equation of the curve. (b) If we apply the Hough transform on the image below, what would be the maximum value for the accumulator cell in the (p, ) space? What is the corresponding (p, 0) value? Note: Each black square denotes a point and the numbers are the coordinates. ONWOOD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Show transcribed image text (a) In the Hough Transform, a point (x0, y0) in the xy-plane is mapped into a curve in the (p, )-parameter space. Write down the equation of the curve. (b) If we apply the Hough transform on the image below, what would be the maximum value for the accumulator cell in the (p, ) space? What is the corresponding (p, 0) value? Note: Each black square denotes a point and the numbers are the coordinates. ONWOOD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Expert Answer

Answer to (a) In the Hough Transform, a point (x0, y0) in the xy-plane is mapped into a curve in the (p, )-parameter space. Write …

Hp Attempts 7932698cmid 24416128page 16 Interval Internation Book New York Post D Mtps Onl Q43903458

hp?attempts 7932698cmid-24416128page 16 Interval Internation. Other book New York Post D Mtps://onlinebanki. 7 Capital One Crhp?attempts 7932698cmid-24416128page 16 Interval Internation. Other book New York Post D Mtps://onlinebanki. 7 Capital One Credit. Electronics, Cars, Fa. Eileen Johnston culty & Staff Policies & Resources Help- -20) Management Information Systems Management Information Systems / Module I (Weeks 1-3) / Chapter 2 You have been hired by BizCom, a business communications consultancy that services many clients in different industries throughout the United States, to help it improve its profit margin. BizCom provides customized recommendations for the best use of a client’s existing resources for improving internal communications, typically delivered via documentation in different media. The company has approximately 50 consultants, all of whom are located in its central headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. What type of system do you recommend that BizCom install to improve its business processes and increase its profit margin? of tion Select one: O AA marketing system, for improving sales levels OB.A TPS, to help manage all daily activities and transactions O C. An extranet, to enable quick collaboration over the Internet, minimize the time spent communicating with the client, and minimize the amount of paperwork needed O D. A KMS, for minimizing redundant work on similar clients O EA CRM, to maintaineasily accessible customer records to minimize the time spent looking for client data 440 PM 1/18/20 SUS prt sc pause hrenk delete home SYSra Linsert AME Show transcribed image text hp?attempts 7932698cmid-24416128page 16 Interval Internation. Other book New York Post D Mtps://onlinebanki. 7 Capital One Credit. Electronics, Cars, Fa. Eileen Johnston culty & Staff Policies & Resources Help- -20) Management Information Systems Management Information Systems / Module I (Weeks 1-3) / Chapter 2 You have been hired by BizCom, a business communications consultancy that services many clients in different industries throughout the United States, to help it improve its profit margin. BizCom provides customized recommendations for the best use of a client’s existing resources for improving internal communications, typically delivered via documentation in different media. The company has approximately 50 consultants, all of whom are located in its central headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. What type of system do you recommend that BizCom install to improve its business processes and increase its profit margin? of tion Select one: O AA marketing system, for improving sales levels OB.A TPS, to help manage all daily activities and transactions O C. An extranet, to enable quick collaboration over the Internet, minimize the time spent communicating with the client, and minimize the amount of paperwork needed O D. A KMS, for minimizing redundant work on similar clients O EA CRM, to maintaineasily accessible customer records to minimize the time spent looking for client data 440 PM 1/18/20 SUS prt sc pause hrenk delete home SYSra Linsert AME

Expert Answer

Answer to hp?attempts 7932698cmid-24416128page 16 Interval Internation. Other book New York Post D Mtps://onlinebanki. 7 Capital O…

Htdf Lab Problem 4 Problem Design Function Called Nth Char Equal Consumes Two Strings Natu Q43871274

;; HtDF Lab, Problem 4

;; Design a function called nth-char-equal? that consumes twostrings
;; and a natural and produces true if the strings both have lengthgreater
;; than n and have the same character at position n.
;; Note, the signature for such a function is:
;; (@signature String String Natural -> Boolean)
;; The tag and template for such a function are:
;; (@template String)
;; (define (nth-char-equal? s1 s2 n)
;; (… s1 s2 n))


I wrote the answer like this

(@problem 4)
(@htdf nth-char-equal?)

(@signature String String Natural -> Boolean)
;;If there are two strings and a natural
;;and produces true if either of them length if greater thann
(check-expect (nth-char-equal? “rat” “cat” 2) true)
(check-expect (nth-char-equal? “domain” “haha” 5) false)
(check-expect (nth-char-equal? “signature” “template” 3)false)
(check-expect (nth-char-equal? “fat” “skin” 5) false)

;(define (nth-char-equal? s1 s2 n) false) ;stub

(@template String String Natural)
(define (nth-char-equal? s1 s2 n)
(and (> (string-length s1) n)
(> (string-length s2) n)
(string=? (substring s1 (- n 1) n)
(substring s2 (- n 1) n))))


and then I test it.

it says


In (@Problem 4), in (@htdf nth-char-equal?), in (@template StringString Natural): includes incorrect types
In (@Problem 4), in (@htdf nth-char-equal?), in (@template StringString Natural): should not have duplicate options
In (@Problem 4), in (@htdf nth-char-equal?), Error running test(check-expect (nth-char-equal? “sa” “s” 0) true): substring:contract violation
expected: exact-nonnegative-integer?
given: -1
argument position: 2nd
other arguments…:


what is the correct answer?

Expert Answer

Answer to ;; HtDF Lab, Problem 4 ;; PROBLEM: ;; ;; Design a function called nth-char-equal? that consumes two strings ;; and a nat…

Html Code Given Exercise 3 Label Width 150px Display Inline Block Customer Number Title Se Q43828449

For this exercise, you have been given the file exercise-3.html. Within this file is a form with the fields required to inser

customer id INT(11) custNum INT(11) title VARCHAR(20) firstName VARCHAR(20) familyName VARCHAR(30) contact VARCHAR(10) email

HTML code given :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=”utf-8″>
<meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge”>
<title>Exercise 3</title>
label { width:150px; display:inline-block; }
<form action=”exercise-3.php” method=”POST”>
<label for=”custNum”>Customer Number:</label>
<input id=”custNum” name=”custNum” type=”text”>
<label for=”title”>Title:</label>
<select name=”title” id=”title”>
<option value=”” selected disabled>SelectTitle</option>
<option value=”Mr”>Mr</option>
<option value=”Miss”>Miss</option>
<option value=”Ms”>Ms</option>
<option value=”Dr”>Dr</option>
<option value=”Prof”>Prof</option>
<label for=”firstName”>First Name:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”firstName” id=”firstName”>
<label for=”familyName”>Family Name:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”familyName” id=”familyName”>
<label for=”contact”>Contact:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”contact” id=”contact”>
<label for=”email”>Email:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”email” id=”email”>
<label for=”houseNum”>House Number:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”houseNum” id=”houseNum”>
<label for=”street”>Street:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”streat” id=”street”>
<label for=”suburb”>Suburb:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”suburb” id=”suburb”>
<label for=”state”>State:</label>
<select name=”state” id=”state”>
<option value=”” selected disabled>SelectState</option>
<option value=”NSW”>NSW</option>
<option value=”QLD”>QLD</option>
<option value=”VIC”>VIC</option>
<option value=”TAS”>TAS</option>
<option value=”NT”>NT</option>
<option value=”WA”>WA</option>
<option value=”SA”>SA</option>
<label for=”postCode”>Post Code:</label>
<input type=”text” name=”postCode” id=”postCode”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit” name=”Submit”>

could you please write me the php code and a screenshotof the output who it works

thank you

For this exercise, you have been given the file exercise-3.html. Within this file is a form with the fields required to insert a new record into the customer database table. You are to create another file, exercise-3.php, which will process the input from exercise-3.html which is sent via the POST method. Using the schema in figure 2 and the data received from exercise-3.html insert a new record into the database. Upon success, print to the page “Successfully Added a New Record to the Customer Table with the ID of: #”. The ‘#’ represents the last inserted ID. If it fails, “Failed to insert new record” should be printed to the page. To view if a record has been inserted successfully, use the listdata. php file found within the Major Assignment folder on VUWS. Don’t forget you have to put your database details in the connection settings of the file for it to work. For maximum marks for this exercise your data needs to be sanitised and validate for type and size in PHP. customer id INT(11) custNum INT(11) title VARCHAR(20) firstName VARCHAR(20) familyName VARCHAR(30) contact VARCHAR(10) email VARCHAR(60) houseNum VARCHAR(10) street VARCHAR(20) suburb VARCHAR(20) state VARCHAR(3) postCode VARCHAR(4) Indexes customercar id INT(11) custNum INT(11) rego VARCHAR(6) make VARCHAR(15) model VARCHAR(30) year Man VARCHAR(4) Indexes Figure 2 Show transcribed image text For this exercise, you have been given the file exercise-3.html. Within this file is a form with the fields required to insert a new record into the customer database table. You are to create another file, exercise-3.php, which will process the input from exercise-3.html which is sent via the POST method. Using the schema in figure 2 and the data received from exercise-3.html insert a new record into the database. Upon success, print to the page “Successfully Added a New Record to the Customer Table with the ID of: #”. The ‘#’ represents the last inserted ID. If it fails, “Failed to insert new record” should be printed to the page. To view if a record has been inserted successfully, use the listdata. php file found within the Major Assignment folder on VUWS. Don’t forget you have to put your database details in the connection settings of the file for it to work. For maximum marks for this exercise your data needs to be sanitised and validate for type and size in PHP.
customer id INT(11) custNum INT(11) title VARCHAR(20) firstName VARCHAR(20) familyName VARCHAR(30) contact VARCHAR(10) email VARCHAR(60) houseNum VARCHAR(10) street VARCHAR(20) suburb VARCHAR(20) state VARCHAR(3) postCode VARCHAR(4) Indexes customercar id INT(11) custNum INT(11) rego VARCHAR(6) make VARCHAR(15) model VARCHAR(30) year Man VARCHAR(4) Indexes Figure 2

Expert Answer

Answer to HTML code given : Exercise 3 label { width:150px; display:inline-block; } Customer Number: Title: Select Title Mr Miss M…